As a hospice social worker, you want to be able to create genuine and trusting relationships that encourage patients and family members to feel comfortable enough to discuss difficult topics with you.
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Counting down to the next blog post!
Happy new year! Enjoying a brief hiatus from writing as I recover from the holiday and get started at a
Continue reading »Secure vulnerability: being emotionally present in a professional role
How you can be emotionally present with patients and their family members while also being professionally purposeful. Because you need to be both.
Continue reading »How to do hospice social work – what to learn about before your interview
Do you future boss a favor and let her know that she has nothing to worry about: you will start your position already knowing the minimum necessary to keep compliant with regulations. Even though you have not yet worked in hospice, you know the deal with the psychosocial assessments, DNRs, funeral home planning…
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